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Tri-City Tree Doctor  (also see page IPM vs Program)

Integrated pest management involves monthly inspections throughout the growing season, with treatments applied when needed. Chemical treatments are avoided when possible. Cultural and biologic controls are encouraged. General cover sprays, popular with many commercial lawn and shrub care companies, are avoided, since most trees and shrubs need no sprays and the excessive spray kills many of the natural predator insects and beneficial organisms.  Our program includes the following:

  • April inspection, with application of appropriate preventive sprays or treatments for over-wintering scale insects, mites, gall insects, and for other early emerging pests.  Also, preventive fungicides are applied on certain species.  Soil injections of Merit for bronze birch borers are applied at this time.  (Usually no written report for April visit.)
  • May inspection, with application of sprays as needed for foliage eating insects and worms and continued fungicide sprays where needed. 
  • June inspection, with sprays for late emerging pests and continued fungicide sprays where needed.  Nutritional and stress evaluation of certain trees. 
  • July inspection, with sprays for mites where needed.  Also, some pests’ life cycles dictate sprays at this time for control.  Some fungus diseases may need a July spray.  Also, this inspection includes nutritional evaluation for planning of fall fertilizing. 
  • August inspection of selected landscapes, if needed based on earlier problems identified.

Written reports of June and July inspections will be left at the time of inspection or sent within one week.  July inspection report may be sent along with a proposal for fall fertilizing.  Additional written reports will be left or sent when needed.





 Sprays applied for specific identified problems.  Some problems require just one properly timed spray.  Others require a series of sprays.  Many times when we are called by a customer to come and spray a tree or trees, a spray is not needed or the timing is wrong. We will always inform you regarding the best management of the problem at hand.



Landscape trees and shrubs may benefit from fertilization. Landscape trees often have to compete with turfgrass for water and nutrients. Leaf litter is often removed, thus removing some of the natural nutrient return which occurs in a natural, wooded setting.  Some soils have been damaged or compacted.  Sometimes the roots have been damaged or covered by paving or structures. Some trees are planted in sites which are not favorable.  Soil pH or nutrient content may be a problem.  Trees with disease or pest damage may recover more quickly with timely fertilization.

We apply fertilizer when it is needed, not just routinely, as is customary with many lawn and shrub care companies.  When we apply fertilizer, it is applied in adequate amounts and with slow release nutrients, so that it is needed only 2 or 3 years or even less frequently.  Excessive fertilization can actually increase some pest and disease problems.  Sometimes, if natural mulch is applied, future fertilization is not necessary.



Trunk injection of nutrients, insecticides, and fungicides is becoming a more and more valuable part of our tree care regimen.  We can prevent Emerald Ash Borer and Bronze Birch Borer damage, manage soft scales, such as Cottony Maple Scale and others, and prevent some diseases of trees.  Micronutrients can be administered for specific deficiencies.

The ARBORJET Tree IV system is an excellent way to administer many of the products we use for tree care.  University studies have shown excellent results using this system for ash borer prevention, and because it lasts two years, the trees do not have to be drilled annually as they do with other injection methods.

Soil injection of certain insecticides and even bark spray of certain pesticides are used for specific problems.



 TriCity Tree Doctor  Call us at 989-454-0227

United Tree Service  Call us at 810-266-4363